01 December 2008

There is power in me yet, my race is not yet run

Who are we? we who claim to know so much yet know so little. Are we so arrogant that we cannot confess to be proud? We have but one chance to do something in this world, who are we to falter? Why are we afraid to fight for the right to be free? I want to run I want to fly I want to do something with my life. There will come a time when we must decide who we are. In this world why are we restricted in professions that we deem others will want to emulate? Why simply cannot we walk and learn and hope to understand? Damn their warnings damn their lies, they will see the people rise! I want to learn, I want to learn so much. To travel to learn the trades of better men. I want to wander I want to be free. I want to be remembered for the life that I led. I want to be written in the stars. Let the rains fall and the seas rise! Let us walk unafraid of what is to come. Let us reach for the stars and let the stars be changed. Who cares about your lonely soul, we strive for a higher goal, our little lives don't count at all! The trumpets wills sound for the Lords of Gondor have returned. I would have called you my brother. my captain. my king. We do not know the path that we tread, but He does, and so we must content ourselves with this knowledge, the knowledge that there is a being greater than us, that there is a will greater than our own. The stars can be changed. The Son also rises. Are we willing to give our lives or are we to afraid to even say our name. He stood as if challenging the world, and all who looked upon him concluded that in the case of a rumble, the world would lose.


chrissyrudd said...

How old are you? It seems that the older people get, the more they give up on what they want to become. I was shocked and dismayed at my 5 year high school reunion how many of my classmates were "stuck" in a job, marriage, life they didn't want, and they could see no way out. I felt sorry for them, as my career was just starting and I knew it would be a long time until I grew up. I didn't have the heart to go to my 10 year. An experienced teacher once told me, when I was frustrated with the bureaucracy of education, to focus on the trees, not the forest, because I will help them grow and prosper, even though I probably won't see it happen for a very long time. The children that I taught, and my children, will be my legacy, the mark I will leave. So I focus on each tree and hope it becomes a great big red wood!

Dan Grabowski said...

I am curious to see how old you think I am. Howvever, age should not matter in a person's hopes, dreams, and asperations.