01 July 2009

Just take a leap and your free

Look before you leap. It seems to me that there is far to much looking and not enough leaping going around. Now, I am not suggesting that carefully weighing one's options and being all rational is always a bad thing. Rather I am saying that, for most of life's questions, looking is unnecessary and that this looking can not only make one not leap, but can also detract from the leap causing one to be so anxious about whether he is going to land on solid ground that he doesn't feel the wind on his face as he falls.

Why do we feel the need to attempt to think through our decisions when for most of them we already know the answer. As much as the expressions, your gut feeling and you know it in your heart, are ridiculous they are often true. It's the same as with one's conscience-- that one already knows what is right and what is wrong, that little to no thought is actually required. However even I know that thought is rarely a bad thing, so why am I recommending not to think? It's not that we shouldn't think and use reason, it's that we shouldn't get so worried that our fears cause us not to live. It is so easy to let our troubles control us so that we lose the beauty of each day. We no longer see the grace with which the sparrow flys, no longer hear the glory of the sparrow's song.

And so one should not look before they leap, but instead leap and then look and then laugh.

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